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Zapatos para correr

"I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to be"

Carl Jung

About me

Hello, thank you for wanting to know me a little more. I tell you that I started my career in Human Resources, being a specialist in the soft area and working with multinational companies from different industries and in constant contact with professionals from all over the world. Since 2015 I have been working as a Coach and I have had the fortune of accompanying professionals of all ages and nationalities throughout Latin America.

I am Venezuelan and I have currently lived in Buenos Aires for +10 years. I am very curious by nature, which leads me to constantly study, learn, try new things and meet people. I believe that we all have special abilities and that we are integral, we are not a single thing and that by committing and making an effort we can achieve our goals, always having the focus on trying to enjoy the process and also letting life surprise us.

Photo Benito Bolivar


One of my passions is accompanying people to get from their current point to where they want. I don't believe in magic formulas because everyone has their own rhythm, time and ways. I like to share information and generate networks of contacts where we can join as professionals.

I invite you to visit my networks and read this complete section so that you know about my training, studies, visions and work.

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As a Coach, these are the International Institutions to which I belong and that support my experience and training.

ID: 0097676731

ID: 0097676731

ICF Member Badge

Affiliation: 003577

Category: Specialized Coach

AEAPro member badge

Other professional badges that I have achieved in my training and professional development


My studies

Administración de Recursos Humanos

Titulo Terciario

CULTCA | Venezuela

Graduado año 2009

Ciencias del Comportamiento


UNSTA | Argentina

En curso

Escritura y Narración Creativa


ELBS Escuela de Liderazgo | España

Graduado año 2023

Gestión y Dirección de Equipos


ENEB | España

Graduado año 2024

Coaching, Gestión Emocional y Managment


ENEB | España

Graduado año 2024

Coaching Organizacional

DPO Consulting

Seminario de Coaching Avanzado

DPO Consulting

Social Intrapreneurship for Innovation in Health and Wellness

Ashoka Changemakers

PDA Analyst

PDS HRtech

Instructor in Business IT

Instituto Internacional de Intraemprendimiento e Innovación-I4

Business IT Foundation

Computerworld University

Non Verbal Communication

Instituto Americano de Formación e Investigación

Coaching Vocacional

Axon TRaining

Arteterapia Nivel 1

Asociación PSI

Arteterapia Nivel 2: Estrategias e Intervenciones

Asociación PSI

AI for Business



My Certifications


Workshops, conferences, courses and publications

II Taller de formación en Liderazgo Social

Escuela de Liderazgo Comunitario

V Jornadas de Investigación IIES FACES UCV

Universidad Central de Venezuela

Elaboración de Manuales Administrativos


Congreso Latinoamericano de Estrategia 2013

Sociedad Latinoamericana de Estrategia

El diferencial del Coaching Ontológico


1er Congreso Latinoamericano de Coaching Ontológico


Leadership: a master class with Daniel Goleman

Administradores Premium

RASTI WOOW para Coaching

RASTI Argentina

Como mejorar la calidad de tus preguntas con PNL


Enfoque, abordajes y herramientas para afrontar el duelo


Gerencial Emcional


Clínicas de Coaching para Coaches y Terapeutas


Mine Yours project logo

I strongly believe in the transformative and healing power of the arts, they are an ideal expressive medium to be able to manifest many things and a sublime language that can help us know ourselves, make ourselves known and understand ourselves in depth.

Personally, I always use the arts to connect with myself and others, and as part of this path I created a personal label, under which I publish my most artistic works "Mine | Yours" in various media. Additionally, I am a writer published since 2013 with stories, poems, haikus, aphorisms and articles in various media and countries. I was part of the founding and coordinating team of the "Grupo Literario Ayacucho" in Argentina and I have a special love for photography with which I work as an amateur.

If you want to know a little more, I share some links so you can see my works:

Pinceles con pintura sobre ellos

My artistic work

Flor de loto

My job

One of the aspects that I consider vital, and that we tend to leave aside, or cultivate little, is the spiritual. For me it is nothing more than the connection with our purest being, respect for all living beings, the belief that there is something bigger than us (no matter what you call it) and living in harmony with the nature that surrounds us. .

Many of the holistic techniques can help us focus, reorganize ourselves, find greater calm and focus to live day to day and heal following a route different from the purely mental one. In this sense I am Wiccano Asatrú, I work with meditations, reiki, understanding and following the cycles of nature and Viking runes.

I am part of a beautiful Lineage of people who are of service with different holistic tools, and although I am all of this, I separate the holistic work from Professional Coaching because they are different tools with different objectives.

If you are interested in exploring an alternative path of traveling and facing life's challenges, do not hesitate to let me know so I can better explain what it is about and accompany you in that process where you are the one who makes the decisions to be calm and in connection with your being. .

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